来源:互联网 发布时间:11-14
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PLAN 员工绩效考核方案 1. General Principles总则 In order to standardize the performance appraisal policy of MFC, the Company constituted this plan. 为规范公司对员工的考察与评价,特制定本制度。 2. Objective考核目的 2.1 To bring up a professional talent group with high agglomeration and team building spirit. The talent management system shall be guided by performance appraisal. 在公司造就一支业务精干的具有高度凝聚力和团队精神的人才队伍,并形成以考核为核心导向的人才管理机制。 2.2 To evaluate the past performance promptly and equitably, affirming achievements, finding out problems and preparing for the improvements on next phases. 及时、公正地对员工过去一段时间的工作绩效进行评估,肯定成绩,发现问题,为下一阶段工作绩效的改进做好准备。 2.3 An empowerment tool to involve employee in managing own performance especially in obtaining feedback. 为员工自我管理提供相应手段,特别是能得到绩效反馈。 2.4 To support an employee’s efforts of successful development and supply the personal information and decision gist on salary, welfare(including stock option )adjustment and training plans. 支持员工职业发展,为员工薪酬待遇(含员工持股权调整)以及相关的教育培训提供人事信息与决策依据。 2.5 To form the communication system between both the employee and the Company in order to promote the management efficiency. 在公司内形成一个员工与公司双向沟通的平台,以增进管理效率。 3 Performance Appraisal Principal考核原则 3.1 The Company should evaluate an employee according to his/her achievement target and correlative management index. 以公司对员工的经营业绩指标及相关的管理指标为依据; 3.2 The operation rule is according to the content, process and ways which is prescribed in this plan。 以员工考核制度规定的内容、程序和方法为操作准则; 3.3 The heart of the plan is the five key concepts: entirety, impersonality, equity, open and standard. 以全面、客观、公正、公开、规范为核心考核理念。 4 Applicability适用对象 This plan is applicable to all staff in MFC except those staff in the follows: 本方案适用于公司所有正式员工。有下列情况人员不在考核范围内: 4.1 Employees during in the probation period 试用期内,尚未转正员工; 4.2 Within 6 months attendance continuously or stop the job more than 6 months before the performance appraisal 连续出勤不满6个月或考核前休假停职6个月以上; 4.3 Part-time employees and consultants. 兼职、顾问人员。 5 Performance Appraisal Schedule考核时间表 Type Time Checking Time The end of the Time 考核类别 考核时间 复核时间 考核终止时间 Midyear 1st, June-- 4th, June 5th, June—8th, June 15th, June 年中考核 6月1日-4日 6月5日-8日 6月15日 Year 10th, Jan.—14th, Jan. 15th, Jan.—18th, Jan. 20th, Jan. 年度考核 1月10日-14日 1月15日-18日 1月20日 Probation End Ass. Follows with Recruitment Procedure of MFC 转正考核 按公司招聘流程执行 Remarks/注: 1. Time means the time when direct managers discuss performance behavior , performance improvement plans and new performance target with underlings, moreover should finish paperworks.考核时间是指由各部门直接经理与下属就绩效表现、绩效改善计划,新的绩效目标共同进行讨论并完成相关作业的时间; 2. Checking Time means the time when related department (for example HR Department) and directors investigate and arbitrage the disputed evaluation result or the events appealed by an employee. 复核时间主要由相关部门(如人力资源部)和主管对有争议的考核结果及员工申诉的事件进行调查了解和仲裁; 3. The end of the time means the time when HR Department collects evaluation results and keep records of new performance target. 考核终止时间是指人力资源部将考核结果进行汇总,新的绩效目标进行备案归档的时间; 4. Midyear / Year means the time when the Company evaluates performance behaviors of employees during midyear or year-end. 年中考核、年度考核是指公司对全体(正式)员工在年中、年终的工作表现进行考核。 6 Performance Appraisal考核体制 The system is that immediate managers evaluate underlings and checked by higher supervisors(directors). HR Department is responsible of the performance appraisal management on policy consulting, inspecting administration and investigating cases appealed by an employee. 考核实行直接经理评估部属,该部门上一级主管复评制。人力资源部对员工考核有政策咨询、执行监督、申诉调查等职能。 7 Performance Appraisal考核标准 The standard is on 3 ways about work achievement, work attitude and holding a post abilities. There is different percentage between different type of jobs. 公司的考核标准主要是从经营业绩、工作态度、任职能力3方面,不同部门类别的员工,其考核标准的权重也不一样,具体如下: Post Types 职位类别 Evaluation Items 考核项目 Sales Manage.. (Sales Team) 经营管理类 (销售) Function Manage. (HR/Fin./Adm.) 职能管理类(人力、财务、行政) R&D(Tech.)/ Operation 技术类(技术) 运营部 Design(Creative)设计类(创意部门) Achievement Assessment 业绩考核 70% 50% 40% 40% Ability Assessment 能力考核 15% 30% 30% 30% Attitude Assessment 态度考核 15% 20% 30% 30% Overall Assessment Score = Achievement Score+ Ability Score+ Attitude Score 员工考核总得分=业绩考核分+能力考核分+态度考核分 8 Performance Appraisal Form考核表 8.1 The form is designed by HR Department according to different kind of jobs. Every department is not permitted to change the structure and factor score of the form without discussion with HR Department. 考核表据工作性质由人力资源部设计统一的表格,未经与人力资源部协商通过前,不能擅自调整考评结构和要素分。 8.2 HR Department will keep the file of everyone’s evaluation result. Only managers and supervisors can refer to the file 考核成绩由人力资源部存于员工个人档案中,除各部门主管以上人员外,其他人员一概不得查阅。 9 Performance Appraisal Process考核程序 9.1 An employee chooses the right form to do performance appraisal by himself/herself—Self-Assessment. 员工自评:按照“考核权限表”,员工选择适当的考核量表进行自我评估; 9.2 An immediate manager evaluates the achievement of the employee—Immediate Manager Assessment. 直接经理考评;直接经理对员工的工作表现进行考评; 9.3 Higher supervisor (Director) checks the evaluation and makes the final cognizance—Director Assessment. 更高一级主管(总监)复核:总监对考核结果评估,并最后认定。 If there is big difference of the evaluation result between immediate managers and employees, We suggest: 当直接经理欲评分数与员工自评分数差距很大时,我们建议: 1.The immediate manager will ask the employee to evaluate the performance again with impersonal principle. 直接经理应让员工本着客观的原则再次自评; 2.If there is no change, the immediate manager will evaluate the performance directly meanwhile report to the higher supervisor ( Director). 如员工再次自评分数变化不大时,直接经理可以进行复评,并向该员工的间接主管说明情况; 3.Under such circumstance, we suggest the immediate manager communicates with the employee face to face and finishes filling Performance Appraisal Interview Form. 出现该情况,建议直接经理应该与员工进行面谈,并完成“绩效面谈表”。 10. Performance Assessement Appeal考核申诉 10.1It’s the special process to be sure the system is open, equity and in reason. 考核申诉是为了使考核制度完善化和在考核过程中真正做到公开、公正、合理而设定的特殊程序。 10.2If the employee has demurral after evaluated by the immediate manager, he/she will appeal to his/her higher supervisor (Director). If there is still demurral, he/she will present this to HR Department. HR manager is responsible to investigating and coordinating with related supervisors. 部属与直接主管讨论考核内容和结果后,如有异议,可先向间接主管提出申诉;如仍有异议,可向人力资源部提出申诉,由人力资源部经理进行调查协调。 12. Performance Appraisal Grade and Rewards/ Punishment考核评价与奖惩 12.1 The assessment will be districted five grades: Outstanding ( the percentage should not over 5% occupied in the total numbers of persons in the department), Good(the percentage should not over 5% occupied in the total numbers of persons in the department ),Basic Satisfactory and Poor according to the total score which an employee gets. It is divided as follows: 考核结果按员工考核总分,划分为“出色” (比例不超过本部门员工总数5%); “优良” (比例不超过本部门员工总数10%)“基本满意”、“差”4个等级,并作如下界定: Grade Outstanding Good Basic Satisfactory Poor 等级 出色 优良 基本满意 差 Total Score Over 90 75—89 60—74 under 59 考核总分 90分以上 75—89分 60—74分 59分以下 12.2 The four grade score shows Outstanding, Good, Basic Satisfactory and Poor separately. 4个等级分分别表示出色、优良、基本满意和差。 12.3 The Company will adjust an employee’s salary, promotion and stock option according to the performance appraisal. We adjust this as follows: 公司将考核结果与员工薪资、晋升和期权数量调整挂钩,调整原则如下: Outstanding: The employee’s stock option amount will be added. After the year assessment, his/her salary goes up with propriety. If there is any chance, he /she will be promoted first. 出色:期权数量增加,年度考核后,薪资适当上调或在机会适当时,优先考虑职务晋升; Good: The employee’s stock option amount will be added but without adjustment of the salary. 优良:期权数量增加,薪资不作调整。比例不超过本部门员工总数10%; Basic Satisfactory: The employee’s stock option will not be added , also with the salary 基本满意:期权数量不予增加,薪资不予调整; Poor: The employee’s salary will be reduced. He/She will be given the first written warning from MFC; After the first warning, if improvement does not occur within a maximum of 30 days, the employee will be given the second written warning. If, after a further period not exceeding 30 days, the employee’s performance does not improve, the employee will be terminated from the company without any compensation. 差:薪资下调。公司将发出第一次书面警告。在最长不超过30天的期限内再次予以考评,如仍未加以改进,公司将发出第二次书面警告,如在30天的时间内第三次考评仍未达到要求,公司将据此解除双方的劳动合同,并不作任何补偿。 13.Supplementary Articles附则 1.The HR Department is officially responsible for explaining the policies hereby authorized by MFC. 本制度的解释权经公司授权后归人力资源部。
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