

  来源:互联网  发布时间:03-07


  [4] 因此,谢天谢地吧。你正处在人生一个美妙的阶段。还有很多美妙的阶段会来到你面前,但是都不是唾手可得的,你都得付出代价,经历风险。
  For this, be thankful. You are at a wonderful stage of life. You have many wonderful stages of life still to come, but they are not without their costs and perils.

  [5] 我希望通过分享一些我所学到的最好的道理能帮助你走好人生路。至于任何建议,且把它当作佐料,因为适合我的并不一定适用于你。
  I hope to help you along your path by sharing some of the best of what I ve learned. As with any advice, take it with a grain of salt. What works for me might not work for you.

    Life Can Be Cruel

  [6] 你的生活中一定会有并不友好的人。他们耻笑你因为你不同,而在没有更好的理由。他们可能会欺负你或者伤害你。
  There will be people in your life who won t be very nice. They ll tease you because you re different, or for no good reason. They might try to bully you or hurt you.

  [7] 对这种人你除了学会和其接触无计可施,同时你也要学会择友,选择那些对你友善的,那些真正关心你的,那些令你对自己感到很好的人做朋友。当你寻找到像这样的朋友,就一定要坚守这份友谊,珍惜他们,花些时间和他们在一起,友善地对待他们并爱他们。
  There s not much you can do about these people except to learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you, who actually care about you, who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, hold on to them, treasure them, spend time with them, be kind to them, love them.

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