来源:互联网 发布时间:11-16
Should You Fake a Resume 视频及英语对话文本:
Audra Lowe: Welcome back everybody, it’s time for hot topics and I’m joined by Harvey Mackay. He’s the author of Use your head to get your foot in the door, a book that helps a lot of people out there and especially when it comes to getting a job, keeping a job.
Harvey Mackay: Thank you.
Audra Lowe: Figuring out what to do in the interviews and I wanted to ask you about this, I saw an article online that talks about whether or not you should fake your job references. Now, most people obviously would say right off the back, no but there is a new website out there that was created by a man and it’s called Careerexcuse.com. And let me tell you, it actually helps people who don’t have a great job history, might have a criminal past, might have some gaps in their resume, fill those gaps up. Now, go as far as creating a company, a website, a logo, link in profile so that if the employer does go to search and do some research on those references there is a legitimate profile up there. A lot of people are saying, hey it’s a tough economy or I was laid off, I don’t keep in contact with my former references anymore. Is this a good idea? Is it okay to do that I mean or it is 0057 to go? What’s your take on it?
Harvey Mackay: Well, I don’t have to think about that one.
Audra Lowe: You mean to say no, no, no.
Harvey Mackay: The word in the market place is authentic. You have to be authentic.I have three friends not good friends that faked it that misrepresented their college degrees all three were fired on the spot. Others are very famous case about an ordained coach, he had the job for 24 hours and could go on and on and on so no. When you walk in there even with—if you’ve been in prison, I served six months in prison, I made some mistakes, I’ve restructured myself whatever it is. No, I would highly disagree with that philosophy. However, you get buying the short term, there’s no question. Anybody—
Audra Lowe: It’s like they look on the internet and just find out, right?
Harvey Mackay: They’re telling the truth but only have the truth and that will sink you.
Audra Lowe: Yes, yes, exactly. A lot of people they were saying this is the time I’m trying to play devil’s advocate here.
Harvey Mackay: Of course.
Audra Lowe: The tough economy right now, I have to do what I have to do unlike—you just mentioned some people might have a career past, some people might get over that hurdle, other people might not and you need a job. So this sounds legitimate enough to get you in the door and at least prove yourself. Do you think that it’s okay to do it then?
Harvey Mackay: No, I still—I think it’s chicanery I think it’s trickiness. All they have to do is take a good look at my book, practice the right concepts over along. Now, the short period of time along a period of time, this is all in the back of the book it says, money back guarantee. If you don’t get a job after six months and people say, how can you say that? Well, I sold five million copies, just swim with the sharks, nothing eaten alive, money back guarantee--
Audra Lowe: He’s talking about a lot of words, right?
Harvey Mackay: 18 people Audra, 18 people ask for their money back, 7 of them were my best friends.
Audra Lowe: They didn’t lie about their references, very real quick, we have about 30 seconds left. When is the best time to ask about money if you’re in an interview? Right at the top, second interview, at the very end? When is the best time?
Harvey Mackay: No, money is always last. If you want to get the job without questioning why be able to know the market, you can ask for more money and what the market place will deliver you want to get the job first. If you follow, again, practice makes perfect not true. I have to add word, Perfect practice makes perfect. Practice the right job searching, alright, Philosophy is over a long period of time you will get the job trust me.
Audra Lowe: Honestly is the best policy.
Harvey Mackay: Yes.
Audra Lowe: Thank you so much Harvey, good to have you here. We’d love to know what you guys think, send me a message on Twitter, BTV host Audra and stay with this we’ll be right back.
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