来源:互联网 发布时间:11-16
What do I put in my cover letter without repeating my resume?视频及英语文本
What do I put in my cover letter without repeating my resume?
It is a challenge because you’re going to tell them a few things about yourself, many of which are in the resume. So you’ve got to think about a different way to say it. It requires a little about of writing creativity. In your cover letter if you break it down to three simple parts I think that will be helpful. Number one here's why I'm writing is it a response to an ad, is it because I read great things about your company I would love to work there. Best of all is it because somebody we both we know suggest that I get in touch with you—a referral is always the best opening. Tell them why you're writing and then tell them why they should care. Here is some information about me that I think will be valuable to you with your company. Here’s some are experiences that I have, here's some results that I've delivered. This is what I’ve done in the past and by translation this is what I can do in the future. Be brief maybe one or two short paragraphs or three or four short bullet points of highlight information just the highlights not the detail level. And then finally you want to provide any additional information that they might need to assess your candidacy such as a preferred geographic location, maybe you want to tell them you left your last job if there's a good story behind it, why you’re looking, and then you want to ask them for the opportunity to meet. So basically ABC here's why I'm writing, here's why you should care, lets get together this is the next step.
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