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英文简历视频教程:简历中的工作经验如何写 Work Experience Section of Your Resume

  来源:互联网  发布时间:11-16


核心提示:Work Experience Section of Your Resume视频及英文文本:Host: What can I do to make the work experience section on my resu


Work Experience Section of Your Resume视频及英文文本:

Host: What can I do to make the work experience section on my resume as strong as possible?

Louise Kursmark: When you write about your work experience on your resume, you have to convey the facts, you have to describe the company name, and you want to describe your job title, if you want to talk about your tenure at that company, how long were you there? When did you start, when did you leave or are you still there? I think, you can use in most cases, years only instead of months and years, but that's a judgment call. It's up to you. You want to convey the general scope of your position. What were you responsible for? What was under your scope of management? Did you manage people, did you manage a budget, did you a have a project or a publication that you were responsible for producing? What was your job description, what were you asked to do? But, you don t want to spend a lot of time on that because it's really not that interesting. Employers are much more interested in knowing what you did in that job. So, that's where you want to spend most of your time. I like to include in resumes what I call contact information. I want to know what was going on at that company when you took the job. Why did you take the job? What were you asked to do when they brought you in, was there a particular problem or challenge? I like to present the position in the context of what was going on so that people who are reading your resume really understand the value of what you accomplished. If you take the time to think about the context and include it in your resume, you will create not only a much more interesting resume, which is very important, but you will create one that is going to give employers a lot more insight into who you are and your value.

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