来源:互联网 发布时间:11-16
What to Do Before Writing Your Resume视频文本
Host: What s the first thing I should do before creating my resume?
Louise Kursmark: The first thing you should probably do is not yet write your resume, because it is essential that you do a couple of things before getting started with the resume writing process. The first thing is to get focused to be really clear about who you are, the job that you want, the kinds of companies that you like to work for and other factors that are going to relate to your job. So, you need to think about that. Then, once you have determined your goal, what you want to be, you want to think about what employers are going to be looking for if they are looking for candidates for those jobs. What terms and words and skills are they going to be using when they go to look for that employee if they look at a resume. You need to do some research, you can do that pretty easily by looking at online job postings and other job listings to determine what words keep cropping up over and over again. To describe the skills and the qualifications and the credentials and the knowledge and the experience that I will need to have to show that I am a great candidate for that position. So, do your research, hold together either skills list or the keyword list and determine that you have those skills and that's going to be the basics for what you want to present in writing your resume.
This video will show the first step to writing a resume.
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