来源:互联网 发布时间:11-16
Dear Mr. Young,
We have been waiting for the goods we ordered on February 26, 2009, shipment notification NO. 5216-03A. You said they would be delivered by the beginning of this week, but they still have not arrived yet.
我们一直在等 2009 年 2 月 26 日所订购的货物,装箱通知单的编号为 5216-03A。您说本周初就会出货,但是并没有到货。
Our business conditions specify a delivery date of Mar 2. If the delivery is delayed any further, we will have to reconsider our plans to deal with you in the future.
我们的贸易条件清楚地说明发货日期是 3 月 2 日。如果发货不断地延误,我们将不得不重新考虑和您以后的交易计划。
Please track the order immediately. Thank you very much for your earnest efforts in taking care of this matter.
Yours truly,
Michael Cole
迈克•科尔 谨上
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