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常用国际商务信函基础知识精选:26. 拒绝约见

  来源:互联网  发布时间:11-15


核心提示:拒绝约见Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer. I regret to say that we cannot agree to


Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer. I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for an appointment. We currently have the sole agency for another computer company, Under the terms of the contract , We are barred from stocking any other company’s products. The sole agency comes under review in six months’ time . Contact us then and we may be able to consider your new product.

7月7日有关新型号手提电脑函收悉。 本公司暂未能安排会面,深感歉意。现时正为另一家电脑公司提任独家代理,根据合约条款,不得销售别家电脑公司的产品。该代理权将于六个月后期满。届时烦请再作联系,共商贵产品代理事宜。

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  1.华商贸易网转载作品均注明出处,本网未注明出处和转载的,是出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味 着赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性。




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