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白领英语口语应急80主题Part 6-79:聊聊天气(下)

  来源:互联网  发布时间:12-29


核心提示:79.聊聊天气(下)范例二:Bad weather 糟糕的天气M: So, Monica, what do you feel like doing this afternoon?Monica,那你今


范例二:Bad weather  糟糕的天气

M: So, Monica, what do you feel like doing this afternoon?

W: Actually, I had a perfect plan for this afternoon, but it is totally ruined by the sand storm. I woke up this morning and found it was sunny. So I called Lucy and asked her to go shopping with me. We were going to look for a new purse. Now it turned out to be like this. Neither of us wants to go to outside anymore.

M: That’s too bad. I hate sand storms too. It can be worse than any kind of bad weather.

W: What’s wrong with climate? Anyway, I think the sand storm happens more frequently these days than the years before. Can’t people do something to stop it?

M: It is not an easy job. The government is working on it. Lots of trees have been planted in the north of the capital. Also, methods of generating rain are being used by thegovernment to fight against the drought. But of course, it will not work overnight. So, have you come out with a new plan for today?

W: My new plan is to wait for the end of the sand storm and clean my apartment.

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