

  来源:互联网  发布时间:11-15


核心提示:BBC English at Work 第 55 集: 传授窍门, 教某人学做某事时的语言(LIFT DOOR OPENS) Tom: Quick, gather round, here she comes


BBC English at Work 第 55 集: 传授窍门, 教某人学做某事时的语言

(LIFT DOOR OPENS) Tom: Quick, gather round, here she comes. (ALL CHEER)

Anna: Welcome back Denise, we just couldn't survive without you.

Denise: Oh bless you.

Narrator:是的,欢迎回到 Tip Top Trading, Denise. 老板Paul 当初很草率的把 Denise 给 辞了,不过现在看来这个决定做的有点儿匆忙。Paul 请 Denise 从新回到办公室上 班,不过 Denise 提出了一些条件,其中包括学做产品销售。那谁会来给 Denise 传 授销售的技巧和经验呢? (DOOR OPENS)

Paul: Hello Denise. Nice to have you back. I suppose I had to eat my words didn't I?

Denise: Yes, well it makes a change from biscuits. Now, where's my stapler and red pen?

Paul: Don't worry about that, I've got you a new stapler and a new desk, right here next to Anna.

Denise: Oh lovely.

Paul: Well you wanted some experience in sales, so I thought Anna could show you the ropes.

Anna: Ropes? I don't have any ropes!

Narrator:Anna, 短语 show someone the ropes 的意思是教一个人怎么做一件事儿,传授经 验、窍门。我相信你一定会是一个好老师!

Anna: Hmm. Well I might know what to do but I'm no good at explaining it to someone else.

Narrator:最好的办法是从最头开始,一步一步来。 你可以告诉 Denise 'watch what I do' 让 她看你是怎么做的。然后可以把你手边的一些工作交给她做,你可以说 'please could you make a start on these', 然后说 'I'm here to help, so please ask me if you need to know what to do' 如果你有任何不懂的地方,尽管问我。好了,你来 试试。祝你好运。

Anna: Thanks! So Denise, it's nice to have you back, how's your new desk?

Denise: Much bigger than my old one – and look, it goes up and down.

Anna: Yes it does! Shall we make a start then and I'll 'show you the ropes'.

Denise: Oh yes Anna, of course Anna. Do I need to use the phone?

Tom: I reckon you're quite experienced with the phone Denise!

Anna: Thank you Tom. We won't make any calls yet, just watch what I do for a while. Look, I'm just checking our database so see who we haven't called for a while.

Denise: Oh yes.

Anna: I'm just checking the dates here…in fact Denise, why don't you make a start on this. (PHONE RINGS)

Denise: Oh look, my phone's ringing.

Tom: Are you going to answer it then?

Denise: Oh right. Hello, Tip Top Trading, Denise speaking…oh hello Marge! (To Anna) It's Marge!

Anna: Oh right. I'll leave you to it – I'm here to help, so please ask me if you need to know what to do.

Denise: OK Anna, I won't be long. (Back to the phone) So Marge, how did it go other night? Really? Really!

Tom: Nice to have her back hey?! Some Sales Exec she's going to be!

Narrator:Tom 别忘了,每个人都是从头学起的!Anna 在给 Denise 一些基本指导,我相信 Denise 一定会成为一名很出色的销售人员。下面我们再来听一次 Anna 使用的几个 表达。
Let me show you the ropes.
Watch what I do for a while.
Why don't you make a start on this?
I'm here to help, so please ask me if you need to know what to do.

Narrator:我们来听听 Denise 学的怎么样了。

Denise: (Still on phone) So I said to him, it's just not my colour…yes exactly…hold on Marge, everyone's looking at me. I'd better call you back. Yes, tonight. Bye!

Tom: Hmm, you've certainly got a good phone manner. Do you think you could order some pens now? We've run out.

Denise: That's not my responsibility anymore.

Tom: Err, I think it is.

Denise: Isn't!

Tom: Is.

Denise: Isn't!

Anna: You two, please.

Tom: Well, she's got time for personal calls but not to order pens. (PHONE RINGS) Oh hold on….Oh Hi Jim, how's things? Yeah! Did you catch the match last night?

Denise: Really!

Narrator:哎呀 Anna,听起来好像进展的不是特别顺利。我觉得该整顿一下纪律了,不过你打算 怎么做呢? 下集见分晓。再见!

Listening Challenge: 听力挑战:

Anna 给 Denise 的第一个任务是什么?

(答案: 查一查客户数据库,看看我们有多长时间没有和客户联系了)

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