来源:互联网 发布时间:12-27
I don't feel like doing it.
Well then, I'll have someone else do it.
(好的, 那我请别人做。)
feel like ...ing “想要做……”。
I don't feel like it.
I'm not interested in doing it.
be interested in ... “对……感兴趣”。
Do you want to visit Mr. Warren at his office?
No. I don't feel welcome at that company.
(不想, 那家公司让我不自在)。
I feel uncomfortable at that company.
I'm not welcome at that company.
I feel unwelcome at that company.
Do you have a minute?
I was about to leave.
be about to ... “正要做……”。
I was about to take off.
take off “出发”。
I was just about to go out the door.
I'm off duty now.
Have a nice evening.
I'm through working.
through “完成……”。
My shift is over.
Sorry for not helping you.
You're forgiven.
I feel bad about not helping you.
feel bad “不痛快”。
I'm sorry about not being able to help you.
I feel badly about not helping you.
feel badly是正确的说法, 但是实际上人们常常使用 feel bad 。
Please tell me I can take next week off.
I don't have the authority to say that.
take “办理(休假)”。off “休息”。
authority “权力”。
Is your company expanding overseas?
It's not for me to say.
expand “发展”、 “拓展”。overseas “向海外”。
What's your profit margin?
I'm not in a position to answer that.
in a position to ... “位于能够做……的立场”。
I'm not in a position to say that.
I'm not the person to say that.
That's not for me to say.
It isn't my place to say.
It's not my place to answer that.
I'd be out of line if I answered that.
这里的line指“方针”、 “限度”。
Can't you do it for me?
As a rule, I'm not allowed to.
(照规矩, 我不能这么做。)
as a rule “照常规”、 “一般情况下”。“I'm not allowed to ...”的直译是“我不被允许做……”。
Per our policy, ...
per ... “按照……”。policy “方针”。
According to regulation, ...
according to ... “根据……”。regulation “规定”。
Usually, ...
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