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饮食文化2 职场美语说礼节(132)

  来源:互联网  发布时间:12-26





T: In some ways, perhaps the Chinese approach to meat-eating is more honest. If you're eating a chicken, well, that's what a chicken looks like!

K: Huh...that's interesting. So you think Western people are trying to forget that the chicken was a living animal?

T: Maybe. I think many American kids don't really understand that chicken nuggets are made out of real chickens.

Tiffany觉得中国人的吃法更真实,而西方人则不希望把盘子里的肉跟活生生的动物联系在一起。结果是,Many American kids don't really understand that chicken nuggets are made out of real chickens. 很多美国孩子并不知道炸鸡块其实是用活生生的鸡做的;

K: But if you don't use all of the animal...isn't that wasteful?

T: Oh, it's very wasteful. America has a big problem with being wasteful. We really need to learn to use things more efficiently.

K: Maybe Americans should try being more adventurous with food. When I was there it seems everybody ate pretty much the same things every day!

T: Yeah, that's another good thing about Chinese food; there are a million different dishes with a million different flavors. You can try something new everyday!


Kelly觉得,美国人在饮食方面应该大胆些。More adventurous with food. Adventurous is spelled a-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-o-u-s, 意思是具有探险精神。Tiffany表示,美国人吃的东西千篇一律,而中国菜却是there are a million different dishes with a million different flavors,变幻无穷。

K: But I do think Chinese food can sometimes be too greasy!

T: Yeah, but American food is greasy too. I think overall, Chinese people must be eating a pretty healthy diet because there are so few people here with weight problems. Back home it's a really big problem!

K: Well, I've gained a few too many kilos myself recently. I need to cut down on the meat and eat more fruit and vegetables. Hey! That reminds me! There's a new vegetarian restaurant downtown...want to come try it with me?

T: Sure! Lets have another adventure!

Kelly说,有些中国菜太油腻,too greasy, greasy is spelled g-r-e-a-s-y. Tiffany却觉得,中国人饮食相对健康a pretty health diet,因为中国体重超标的人并不多。Back home it's a really big problem,这在美国可是大问题。这也提醒了Kelly,她说自己最近长了好几斤,需要cut down on the meat and eat more fruit and vegetables. 少吃肉,多吃蔬菜水果。她立即拉Tiffany去城里新开的一家vegetarian restaurant素菜馆去尝尝鲜。

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