来源:互联网 发布时间:01-29
Turn Dating Rules Into Career Success视频及英语文本:
Have you re-noticed how a first date is so much like an interview, I’m Nicole Williams and I’m the author of the book called Girl on Top and I’ve taken the top 20 dating rules and I’ve turn them into a carrier strategies. Me and my trusted pen, we’re going to help the perpetually single Amanda in a space interview, let’s go to the video tape. [Video Playing] Stop right there, enough. Rule number one, keep your mouth shut let’s draw a little zipper over Amanda’s mouth here and his bag is so much baggage coming out of her mouth, carrying it over around. When we’re nervous, we talk and we often tell people things that are wildly inappropriate about ourselves. Really one of the best ways you can differentiate yourself in the workplace and have a little mystery. [Video Playing] Oh! Let’s been on the breaks here, I’m on about rule number two which is if you got it planted but Amanda is going overboard here, let’s drawn a little card again, let’s cover this boobs up and hello like we need a little distance here, this is just way to close for comfort and the skirt and all about the power of the sexy leg and a spirit but this is the way to short. At the end of the day it really is about your brain I am so about making people feel comfortable and attractive but there is a line you don’t want to cross it. [Video Playing] If you boost you lost, rule number three is you have to lay off the licker. Call it’s no hard liquor lets get rid of this and here is the thing even if your companion is drinking have one or have none. If you become a hot drunk mess I promise you this is not attractive to a boyfriend and it is definitely not attracted to our boss. [Video Playing] Are you out of your mind telling a potential boss that you are looking to get pregnant, and your first interview is career suicide? No, big no to this one, it just common sense on the first date no boyfriend and no boss wants to hear about the pack that you want to keep. [Video Playing] Okay Amanda we need to cool it, you want to play hard to get nothing make someone want you more than knowing that there is someone else out there who wants you as well. What I want you to do is be a little KJ about your prospects, let’s have some other appointments book. [Video Playing] And then we come back to the most important rule of all, and that is to fallow your heart. These people there just as eager to feel this job is you are the land to it and at the end of the day this has to be the right fit for both of you. I promise if you are confidence, if you are sexy, if you are bold you will find the one. For 15 more ways to turn dating rules in the carrier success check out my book Girl on Top in stores now. And for more dating and relationships visit yourtango.com this is been a co-production of your tango.com and works by Nicole Williams.
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