

  来源:互联网  发布时间:01-29


核心提示:How to Interview Based on Talents and Strengths视频及英语文本How to Interview Based on Talents and Strengths DebbieBenam


How to Interview Based on Talents and Strengths视频及英语文本

How to Interview Based on Talents and Strengths Debbie

Benami-Rahm: On behalf of tvlesson.com, my name is Debbie Benami-Rahm; a career expert with DBR Career Services. Let's talk a little bit about talent and strength base interviews. We looked what a behavioral interview is and I've mentioned that about 85% of organizations use this particular type of interviewing style. There's another style called talent or strength interviewing. This type is basically geared towards thinking and behavioral styles. It's sometimes intertwined with the behavioral interviewing and it really is looking for how you will perform based on how you think and your behavioral styles. If you’ve ever taken a Myers-Briggs or a disk or any of those personality assessments, you know what kind of thinking style and a behavioral style you have. Are you a thinker, a sensor, a feeler, and intuider, a director, supporter, and analytical. All of these different assessments basically come down to the way you think and the way you behave. So for a talent or strength-base interview, you maybe asked questions that will put you in a situation and they’ll ask you how you're going to do it. For instance, if this situation is occurring, and you were the manager, what would you do? Or something to the effect of this has happened in our organization, and we’re looking at ways to correct this going forward, what are your suggestions? How would you solve this particular problem? Remember there are three keys right now that organizations are looking for. How will you solve their problem? How can you reduce your cost? And how can you increase their revenue? So with those three factors in mind, with the job posting and all the requirements that are on there, so that you know exactly what they’ll be looking for in a position, and knowing the type of way that you think and your behavioral styles, you'll be able to prepare for strength for talent-base interview. You can also go online and there's a lot of free assessments you can take and you can find out exactly what kind of behavioral and thinking style you have and that may help you prepare as well.


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