来源:互联网 发布时间:01-29
Job interviews are not just a means by which prospective employers judge your suitability. It’s also a mechanism by which you can see if a company would be a place you’d want to work. Here are some questions you can ask an interviewer that will give you information about what the company culture is like and what the manager’s expectations will be.
Many people approach job interviews with a deer-in-the-headlights “please don’t let me say anything stupid” mentality. And that’s understandable since no matter how many times career experts say otherwise — that you should also use an interview to size up the company — the job interview is a means by which you’re being judged.
Sometimes when people attempt to size up a company and its job offering, it goes terribly wrong. Some candidates misinterpret that mission and end up asking “What about me?” questions such as, what’s the vacation policy and how long do employees get for lunch? Interviewers like questions from candidates, they really do, but you have to learn to ask the right kind. If you ask the right questions, the information you get back could help you tailor your own presentation. Here are some examples:
“What can you tell me about the people I’ll be working with?” You can tell a great deal about an interviewer from how she answers this question. Does she speak in glowing terms about the team? Or does she go into too much detail about their quirks? Maybe the question tips off a tirade from her about how worthless and unproductive her staff members are. (That last response should send you running for the hills.)
“How do you approach problem solving?” If the interviewer responds that he expects problems to be solved in nanoseconds and you know yourself to be the type of person who likes to weigh all aspects of an issue, then you can pretty much discern that a working relationship between you two will be like oil and water. This could work out nicely if you think you’re being a yin to his yang could be ultimately productive, but it’s something to think about.
“What do you see as the ultimate goal of your department or team?” A good manager will respond in terms of company value and employee satisfaction. If he responds that his ultimate goal is to not screw up and to stay under the radar, you should be able to infer that that culture will not be the most supportive to growth. Also beware if this question causes the interviewer to veer off on a long tangent about his personal career goals. (This actually happened to me once. About 20 minutes into his self-expressive monologue, I wanted to wave my hand and ask, “Hey, remember me?”)
Hope these help in your next job interview.
面试不仅仅是你未来的老板评判你是否合适的手段。 它也是你考察这个公司是不是自己想待的地方的一种机制。 这里有一些问题你可以问问面试官,以便让自己了解到他们有着什么样的企业文化,以及管理者有哪些期望。
很多人参加面试时,就像被车头灯晃到的鹿一般吓懵了,总是抱持着“请别让我说蠢话”的心态。 职场专家不知说过多少次了-面试既是公司掂量你有多少斤两的手段-你也可以掂量出公司有多大规模。既然这都没用,这种心态也是可以理解的。
有时,当人们试图衡量一家公司和它所提供的工作的大小的时候,判断总是极其错误。一些面试者误解了这项任务,最终问出一些“我怎么样”之类的问题,比如公休政策是怎样的啊?吃饭时间有多久啊等等。考官欢迎面试者提问,真的,但你得学会问合适的问题。你问对了,所获得的反馈信息能帮助你重新调整自己的介绍。 下面是一些例子:
“对于我将要共事的人,您能告诉我些什么吗?”了解到考官是如何回答这个问题之后,你就可以侃侃而谈。介绍团队的时候她是不是充满了自豪?还是说员工的怪癖在她嘴里简直馨竹难书?也许这个问题会打开她的话匣子,数落起自己的属下是如何的不是,如何地缺乏生产力来。(这最后的答复会令你碰壁。 )
“您要怎样的问题解决办法? ”如果面试官回答说,他期望问题解决起来要迅雷不及掩耳,而你知道自己是那种考虑很周全的人,那么你显然可以察觉,你们两个的工作关系将会像水和油一样。如果你认为你的阴正好和他的阳互补(译者:老外也知道采阴补阳?呵呵),那就可以很好地工作,不过你还是要好好考虑一下的。
“您把什么视为您的部门或团队的最终目标? ”好经理会回答是公司的价值和员工的满意度。如果他回答说,他的最终目标是不要把事情搞砸了,不能越雷池一步,您应该就可以推断,这种文化无法支撑成长。如果这个问题引起面试官转向其个人的职业目标,你要能意识到。(实际上这在我身上发生过一次。经过了他长达20分钟的独白之后,我想挥挥手对他说: “嗨,还记得我吗 ? ” )
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