来源:互联网 发布时间:12-27
[英文]:Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.
[英文]:Goals determine what you are going to be.
[出处]:Julius Erving 朱利叶斯.欧文[英文]:Young people must equip themselves for life\'s duties and guard against its temptations.
[英文]:Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
[英文]:All human wisdom is summed up in two words-wait and hope.
[出处]:Alexandre Dumas Pere 大仲马(法国作家)[英文]:Ideals are like the stars--we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.
[出处]:C.Schurz 舒尔茨(美国政治家)
[英文]:Hope is life and life is hope
[英文]:If it were not for hope, the heart would break.
[中文]:人靠希望活着.[英文]:While there is life there is hope.
[英文]:He that lives in hope dances without music.
[英文]:Hope springs eternal in the human breast.
[中文]:人生永远满怀希望. /只要有人,就有希望.
[英文]:I tell you hopeless grief is passionless.
上一篇 : 谷歌负责人谈移动商务:本地和移动相结合 下一篇 : 摇滚烧鸡炉 五排摇滚烤鸡炉和六排摇滚烤鸡
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